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See alsooff site: the Lambda Sci- Fi (DC Gaylaxians) have an extensive recommended. Beware the Kiss (2. Acker, Kathy. Empire of the Senseless (1. Naiad, 1. 99. 7)- -.
Christabel (Naiad, 1. The Dawning (Naiad, 1. Sleight of Hand . Seeds of Fire . The Sunne in Gold (2. Adams, Richard. Maia (bisexual woman in a decadent. Nero- esque society)Alderman, Gill.
The Archivist (A young man is raised. Aldiss, Brian. The Dark Light Years (1. The Primal Urge (1. The Hand- Reared Boy (1. Alguire, Judith. Zeta Base (1.
Naiad) (In the far future, Earth is. The conclusion of the book is a standard cliff- hanger &. The Alteration (1. Renaissance; castrati love affair)- -.
The Green Man (1. Anderson, Poul. His. Virgin Planet (1.
Anonymous. Beyond the Pale (1. Book 1 of. the Last Rune; gay & bi male protagonists)- -. The Keep of Fire (1. Book 2 of The Last Rune)- -. The Dark Remains (2. Book 3 of The Last Rune) (more gay &.
Blood of Mystery (2. Book 4 of The Last Rune) (more gay. The Gates of Winter (2. Book 5 of The Last Rune) (gay. Anthony, Patricia. A Woman of the Iron People (1.
Ring of Swords. (homosocial communities in which the males lead separate lives than the females)- -. A Handmaid's Tale (1. Bailey, Robin Wayne. Shadowdance (1. 99. Brothers of the Dragon (trilogy; gay character)Baird, Wilhelmina. Crashcourse (1. 99. Clip. Joint- -. Psy.
Kosis. Ballard, J. Crash (gay etc.). Bamber, George. The Sea Is Boiling Hot (1. Sacrament (1. 99. Galilee (1. 99. 8) (bi & lesbian characters)- -. Books of Blood (1. Great and Secret Show (1.
Everville- -. Imagjica (1. Barnes, Steven. Streetlethal (1.
Aubry Knight Series)- -. Gorgon Child (1. 98. Aubry Knight series)(both books mention a lesbian commune and male. Barney, Natalie Clifford.
The One Who Is Legion, or, A. D.'s. Afterlife (1.
Excerpt published in Dial, June 1. Genocide: The Anthology (1. Gossamer Axe (1. 99. Ireland fights the Sidhe for her lesbian/bi lover with an all- woman heavy.
Strands of Starlight- -. Maze of Moonlight- -. Shroud of Shadow- -. Strands of Sunlight- -. Branch and Crown- -.
Dragon Trilogy: Dragonsword (1. Duel of. Dragons (1. Dragon Death (1. 99. O Greenest Branch.
Bayer, Sandy. The Crystal Curtain (Alyson, 1. The Crystal Cage (Alyson, 1. The Crystal Curtain). Bear, Greg. The Anvil of Stars (bi protagonist. Beaumont, Charles.
Hunger and Other. Stories (1. 95. 8); reprinted in Best of Beaumont. Tribute Trail (1. Beckford, William.
The History of the Caliph Vathek. Beeching, Jack. The Dakota Project (1. Bell, Neil. Gone to Be Snakes Now (1. Ben, Lisa. 4. 9, 1/2. Leland Moss and Lisa Ben. Tower of the King's Daughter (gay. Feast of the King's Shadow.
Benson, E. The Inheritor (1. Berger, Thomas. Regiment of Women . Trysts: A Triskaidecollection of Queer and Weird Stories. Besher, Alexander.
Rim (1. 99. 4) (minor lesbian characters)Bey, Hakim. Crowstone: The Chronicles of Qamar (1.
Daughter of the Blood (male- male same- sex. Bishop, Michael. Unicorn Mountain (1. AIDS, magic. unicorns)Black, Holly. Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale (2.
Blackburn, Thomas, 1. The Feast of the Wolf.
Blackman, Marci. Po Man's Child. Dangerous Angels: The Weetzie Bat.
Books (1. 99. 8). Baby Be- Bop (1. 99. Dirk's youth and. Weetzie Bat (1. 98. Witch Baby- -. Cherokee Bat and The Goat Guys- -. Missing Angel Juan- -.
Baby Be- Bop (1. 99. Ecstasia (gay men)- -. Primavera (gay men). Boucher, Anthony.
Scortia. (1. 97. 2)) (An apparently male- female couple, perhaps the last of the human. Bowen, Gary. Diary of a Vampire (1. Baltimore)- -. Man Hungry (1. The Heritage of Hastur (1. Darkover; gay. men; the heir to Hastur comes out)- -.
The Shattered Chain (Darkover; lesbians. Magda 1)- -. Thendara House (1. Darkover. Magda 2)- -.
City of Sorcery (lesbians; Darkover, Magda. The Planet Savers (1. Darkover)- -. Sharra's Exile (1. Darkover)- -. The Firebrand (lots of queerness)- -. Warrior Woman (1. The Catch Trap (not sf; a circus performers gay. Ruins of Isis (lesbian matriarchy)- -.
Survey Ship (1. 98. Fantasy and Science Fiction, June 1. Lythande (lesbian; Thieves World also includes the male. Sacred Band of warriors, many of whom are lovers)- -. Egalia's Daughters (1.
Seal. Press) (role reversal; the male protagonist becomes a. Brass, Perry. Mirage (1. Circles (1. 99. 3) (sequel to Mirage).- -. Out There: Stories of Private Desires, Horror, and.
Afterlife (1. 99. Tom Laine- -. The Harvest: A Novel (1. The Substance of God (Belhue Press). Brenchley, Chaz. The Devil in the Dust (.
Tower of the King's Daughter (Outremer series; second half of. US ed. Feast of the King's Shadow (includes A Dark Way to Glory.
Feast of the King's Shadow)- -. Hand of the King's Evil (includes Hand of the King's Evil. The End of All Roads).
Brin, David. Glory Season (homosexuality normal)Brojim, R. C. Cognate (2. 00. Brophy, Brigid. Palace Without chairs (1. Brownrigg, Elizabeth. Falling to Earth (1. Firebrand). A Cry in the Desert (1. Banned Books. Austin, Texas).
Interesting initial scenes covering the. AIDS; and a celebrated Gay Elder is a. Bryant, Dorothy. The Kin of Ata Are Waiting for You.
Buck, Charles H. The Master Cure (1. AIDS- like. plague is genetically engineered by racists to target people of color). Bujold, Lois Mc. Master. Ethan of Athos (1.
All- male. planet that reproduces artificially needs to get some more female gametes. Rest of the Miles Vorkosigan series includes other gay, hermaophriditic.
See especially The Warrior's Apprentice; The Vor. Game; Mirror Dance; A Civil Campaign (transgender). In Barrayar and. Mirror Dance there is some discussion of a major character's bisexuality.
Bull, Emma. Bone Dance (1. War for the Oaks. Burdekin, Katharine.
The Wanting Seed (1. The Eve of Saint Venus (1. Burroughs, William S. The Wild Boys (1. The Soft Machine (1. Nova Express (1. 96. Soft. Machine)- -.
Cities of the Red Night (1. Busby, F. Zelda M'Tana (1. Patternmaster (1. Parable of the Talents (1.
Fledgling (2. 00. Byers, Edward. Stardust Bound (1.
Dead Girls . Doc and Fluff: The Dystopian Tale of a Girl. Her Biker (1. 99.
Alyson) (lesbian sm relationships are centered in. Songmaster. Carey, Jacqueline.
Kushiel's Dart (2. Kushiel's Chosen- -. Casos De Problemas Causados Por Erros Em Software And Systems.
Kushiel's Avatar. Carlisle, Anne. Liquid Sky: The Novel (1. Carter, Angela. The Infernal Desire Machines of. Dr. Hoffman (1. 97. Fortunate Fall (1.
Cashorali, Peter. Gay Fairy and Folk Tales: More Traditional Stories. Retold for Gay Men (Faber & Faber, 1. Casper, Susan. Spartan Plan (sex war; all male.
False Fatherland (1. The Inheritors. Charnas, Suzy Mc. Kee. The Conqueror's Child (daughter of the. Cherryh, C. Cyteen (the 2 male protagonists are involved in. Other characters have same- sex sex apparently.).
Christian, Deborah. Mainline (1. 99. 6) (lesbian assassin)Christman, Henry M., and E. Powys Mathers, editors. Gay. Tales and Verses from the Arabian Nights (1. Banned Books, Austin. Texas) (selected excerpts from the original)Claremont, Chris.
First Flight (1. 98. Clarke, A. The Way of the Bees: An Ovarian Yarn. Dublin, Basement Press.
Imperial Earth (1. Clarke, it. turns out, was gay; the protagonist in Imperial Earth was. Rendezvous with Rama (gay couple)- -, and GEntry Lee. Cradle (gay couple). Conrad, Heather. Baktun 2. Constantine, Storm.
Calenturetin- -. The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit. Wraeththu) (gay men are the. Wraeththu, a. more- than- human species with an interesting penis. The Fulfilments of Fate and Desire (1.
Wraeththu 3)- -. The Monstrous Regiment . Burying the Shadow . Out for Blood (1. Torsos (mystery in 1. Cleveland)Cooper, Edmund. Gender Genocide (1.
Who Needs Men? Seahorse in the Sky. Cooper, Fiona. I Believe in Angels (selected short. Counts, Sora. The Skull of Truth (ya; boy's older. Covina, Gina. The City of Hermits (Berkeley, Ca: Barn. Owl, 1. 98. 3). Mindsong (1. Star Web (1. 98. 0) (homoeroticism; bisexual captain). Crittenden, Lee. Shadows After Dark (Rising Tide Press.
Danvers, Dennis. End of Days . Foreign Bodies (1. Stars in my Pocket Like Grains of Sand. Triton (aka Trouble on Triton) (1. Dhalgren (1. 97. 5)- -.
They Fly at Cirron- -. Flight from Neveryona- -. Dragon Storm- -. Escape to the Wind (1. Castillo. International, 1.
Wind Trilogy; 1) (a future earth. Seattle is ruled. The Patriarchy; the heroes of the mixed- sex gang are mostly girls &. Fall Through the Sky (2. Wind Trilogy; 2). Pride & Imprints, 1.
Disch, Thomas. On Wings of Song (gay characters)- -. On Wings of Song (1. Donoghue, Emma. Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New. Skins (1. 99. 7, Harper. Collins). Dorsey, Candas Jane. Black Wine (1. 99. A Paradigm of Earth (2.
Douglas, Lauren Wright. In the Blood. A Captive in Time (Stoner Mc.
Tavish. transported to 1. Colorado Territory - mystery fantasy)- -. Gray Magic (Stoner & her lover Gwen enmeshed in. Hopi spirits of good & evil - mystery fantasy). Duane, Diane. The Door Into Shadow (1. The Door Into Sunset (1.
So You Want To Be A Wizard (YA; minor gay. Deep Wizardry (YA; minor gay characters); -- . High Wizardry (YA; minor gay characters). Duchamp, L. Alanya to Alanya (2. Point Blank Download Gratis E Rapido. Love's Body, Dancing in Time.
Duffy, Maureen. Microcosm (1. Duncan, Dave. The Cursed (1. Dunsford, Cathie. Ao Toa: Earth Warriors- -. Song of the Selkies. Eakin, Benjamin, 1.
Fairy Tales Mother Never Told You (1. Banned. Books)Eakins, William. Key West, 2. 72. 0 A.
D. Silverwolf (1. Eighner, Lars. QSFx. Queer Science Fiction (Masquerade)Elana, Myrna. Arslan (1. 97. 6) (bisexual dictator rapes boy.
Ennis, Catherine. To the Lightning (Naiad Press, 1. Dance of the Warriors. Fairbairns, Zoe. Benefits (1. Farrell, Matthew.
Thunder Rift (2. 00. Feintuch, David. The Still (male- male)- -. The King (male- male)Fesmire, Jonathan.
Children of Rhatlan (1. Finch, Sheila. Infinity's Web (1. Four women in. alternate worlds are somehow linked. Not Now, but. Now (New York: Viking 1. The World Celaeno Chose (Dimsdale. Press, London, 1. ISBN 0- 9. 52. 36.
Luck in the Shadows (1. Stalking Darkness (1. Traitor's Moon. The Bone Doll's Twin (Tamir v. Hidden Warrior (2.
Tamir v. 2). Flynn, Michael.
Vincent & Catherine Relationship . They serve a backdrop to the developments happening in the lives of the main characters. It also seems to have served as indirect reference to their own relationship between Catherine and Vincent as he helps her with the cases. Maybe she doubted him. Catherine has a sense of justice that is rather black and white. In the beginning she believed Vincent was a victim, later she realizes that if people died by his hands, she had to re- evaluate her opinion of him. He also happens to be studying Cross Species DNA samples taken from Vanessa Chandler's crime scene, along with matching samples from different cases.
His past and the people of his past life do not realize that he is alive and in hiding.