Setting up Python in Windows 8. One of my family members recently acquired a Windows 8. I was curious as to whether Python setup was as easy as when I wrote about installing it on Windows 7. Turns out, it is — and not much different. Which could spawn a whole conversation about Windows OS development, but that’s for another day .
Visit the official Python download page and grab the Windows installer. How Much Memory Should I Install Mackeeper. Choose the 3. 2- bit version. A 6. 4- bit version is available, but there are compatibility issues with some modules you may want to install later. Note: Python currently exists in two versions, the older 2. This tutorial focuses on the 2. Run the installer and accept all the default settings, including the “C: \Python.
Next, set the system’s PATH variable to include directories that include Python components and packages we’ll add later. To do this: Open the Control Panel (you can find it using Search on the Charms Bar). In the Control Panel, search for and open System. In the dialog box, select Advanced System Settings. In the next dialog, select Environment Variables.
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In the User Variables section, edit the PATH statement to include this (if there is no PATH variable, click NEW to create one): C: \Python. C: \Python. 27\Lib\site- packages\; C: \Python. Scripts\; C: \Python.
C: \Python. 27\Lib\site- packages\; C: \Python. Scripts\; 4. Now, you can open a command prompt (Charms Bar . Grab the appropriate version for your system and install (easiest way is the ez.
Having pip and setuptools will cover most of your installation needs, so go ahead and add pip. Now that you’ve installed setuptools, you can add pip by typing the following at any Windows command prompt (not in the Python interpreter): Notice that easy. That’s the benefit of adjusting your PATH variable earlier. Mechanize, Requests and Beautiful. Soup are must- have utilities for web scraping, and we’ll add those next: C: \> pip install mechanize. C: \> pip install requests. C: \> pip install beautifulsoup.
C: \> pip install mechanize. C: \> pip install requests. C: \> pip install beautifulsoup.
Add it: You’re now set to get started using and learning Python under Windows 8. If you’re looking for a handy guide, start with the Official Python tutorial.