But I can't just stand by and watch innocent people and animals suffer. That's what my grandpa taught me. Goku and No. 1. 7's United Front!! He is the adoptive grandson of Grandpa Gohan, the son of Bardock and Gine, the younger brother of Raditz, the husband of Chi- Chi, the father of Gohan and Goten, the grandfather of Pan, and later the ancestor of Goku Jr. Cheerful, tenacious and also a bit naive, Goku is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant with the mission to destroy it. However, an accident alters his memory, causing him to grow up pure- hearted and later become Earth's greatest defender, as well as the informal leader of the Dragon Team. Throughout his life, he trains hard and constantly strives to be the greatest warrior possible and to fight stronger opponents, which has kept the Earth and the Universe as a whole safe from destruction many times.
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During the next few years, Goku did not present many physical changes, other than his muscles becoming more pronounced. It wasn't until his first growth spurt between the age of 1.
He had grown quite taller than most of his friends, with a well- built physique, with Bulma even calling him . Years later, between the ages 2. Frieza), Goku seemingly had another growth spurt, and became slightly more taller, and much more muscular, finally reaching his physical prime, and the appearance essentially remaining the same from there on.
This gi has featured either Master Roshi's, King Kai's, or Goku's own kanji on its back, as well as Roshi's or Goku's kanji on the front- left side (around the stomach- area). After the Frieza Saga and until the God of Destruction Beerus Saga, Goku doesn't wear any kanji on his gi, but he retains the dark blue undershirt. He also wears dark blue wristbands, along with dark blue boots with a yellow border (later red) that are outfitted with red laces (later tan). He originally wore a blue obi tied in a knot over his waist, although after the Frieza Saga this was changed to a blue sash. While this only happens to Goku a few times in the actual series (mainly during his first battle with Vegeta and his epic battle with Frieza on Namek), the movies made it a running gag of sorts (between The World's Strongest and Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan). His pants often suffer minor damage in battle too, while his boots and wristbands usually remain perfectly intact somehow.
As a kid, he also wields the Power Pole and has a tail due to his Saiyan heritage. Beginning with the 2.
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World Martial Arts Tournament and for the majority of Dragon Ball, Goku wears the basic Turtle School gi as his main outfit until after his training with Kami and Mr. At the 2. 3rd World Tournament and for the remainder of Dragon Ball, Goku has his tail permanently removed by Kami (to prevent him from transforming into a Great Ape after Kami brought back the moon) and wears an updated Turtle School gi that features the same short- sleeved undershirt and boots that become part of his signature outfit throughout Dragon Ball Z. At the very end of Dragon Ball Z, Goku wears a turquoise gi with a white obi, orange wristbands, dark green pants, and black kung fu shoes with orange stockings.
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At the party for the defeat of Kid Buu, Goku wears a lilac suit as part of his formal wear. The only notable time he did wear Battle Armor was during his training with Gohan inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
This armor set was identical to the one Vegeta wore at the time; consisting of a blue long- sleeved jumpsuit, white gloves, white boots with yellow tips, and a white battle jacket with yellow shoulder straps and a yellow stomach and lower back. As soon as he completed his training in the Time Chamber, Goku changed back into his regular gi, claiming that he wanted to fight as an Earthling. In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection . Son Goku and Friends Return!! Install Windows 7 From External Hard Drive Ntldr Missing there. After arriving on King Kai's planet, King Kai wants Goku to have proper apparel while on his planet so he puts on a the same blue and white track suit with red shoes from Battle of Gods. Goku is later given a new gi Whis has designed for him, the same gi from Resurrection . In episode 6. 9, he wears a dark blue business suit and has gel in his hair, but his hair changes back to it's regular appearance and also ends up ripping the sleeves off before eventually switching back to his regular gi.
Goku's skin tone changes from a pale tone to a darker and almost tan tone. His outfit in the GT series consists of a blue gi with a white obi, pink wristbands, ochre pants, and black kung fu shoes with white stockings, which resembles his first gi that he wore at the beginning of Dragon Ball and it also looks identical to what he wore from the end of Dragon Ball Z. Later, with the aid of Old Kai, Goku regrows his tail so he could have additional power, but the tail is never seen again when Goku is an adult again at the end of Dragon Ball GT. As a Super Saiyan 4, Goku becomes far more muscular and much taller than before, towering over all of his friends and family, even Gohan who was roughly as tall as him during his prime, is nearly a head and a half shorter than him. He also uses his Power Pole again, and carries a bag for Senzu Beans.
While wearing these clothes, Goku is referred to as Xeno Goku. Goku's design was based on Tanton, of Akira Toriyama's prototype manga Dragon Boy and Tongpoo, from his other manga The Adventures of Tongpoo. When Toriyama started his first draft of Dragon Ball, he originally planned on making Goku full monkey to make the series more faithful to Journey to the West.
During Toriyama's second draft, he wanted to make Goku a full human dressed in sailor clothes that rode a flight mecha instead of the Flying Nimbus. He's a noble man of great moral clarity. So pure, he makes me want to vomit! He takes most situation in stride, rarely letting things get him worked; the first time he lost his tail, while initially freaking out, he instantly got over it. He will eat anything.
In the Tournament Saga, when put to sleep by . Goku can be very blunt and not afraid to express his opinion in a discussion. While generally kind and not intentionally rude, Goku tends to not show proper respect to people of high authority. Despite his kind- hearted nature, Goku can feel incredible anger in extreme situations such as the death of a friend/relative or innocents murdered, showing he can be vengeful.
He has a simple, practical view of the world that often comes off as na. While often taking things to face- value, he comprehends the situation quickly and learns the basics of anything presented to him rather quickly. To which, he is repeatedly proven a very effective tactician, quickly see through his opponent's strength and battle tactics to formulate an effective countermeasure. Even more, he can determine his own flaws as he realized the limits of Super Saiyan Second Grade and chose to instead refine his normal Super Saiyan form, showing noteworthy craftiness and innovation. His most remarkable ability is his will and tenacity to succeed, always determined to push himself beyond his limits and never give up even in such overwhelming adversity. He is also shown to be very innocent since childhood, because of growing up in Mount Paozu and not having met anyone other than his grandpa until he meets Bulma.
During his childhood, he had difficulty telling the difference between a male and a female without physically touching them, which often gets him into trouble. Goku is shown to be scared of overbearing women like Bulma and Chi- Chi. During the Frieza Saga, when Goku refused to come back to Earth, Master Roshi jokingly (and rather loudly) declared that Goku was scared to face Chi Chi, stating ! For all his power as a Super Saiyan, the one thing he can't stand up to is her! In Battle of Gods and Dragon Ball Super, Goku panicked when he realized he forgot to go to Bulma's birthday party. Over the years, Goku has shown little modesty, not at all concerned about being nude in public (though he was less concerned with this as a child than he later is as an adult).
Despite his purity, it has grown to more of a morality driven emotion, as Goku shows animosity towards those he believes have earned it from him, such as when Frieza killed Krillin and when learning that Goku Black not only stole his body and then killed him, but also proceeded to murder his family (in particular Chi- Chi and Goten) shortly afterwards simply out of spite. Overall, as Goku told Android 1. His only goals in life is test his might against strong opponents and never let innocent people or animals get hurt, as he was taught by his adoptive grandfather.
Even more, when learning that Goku Black killed the future version of his family, Goku became so enraged that he quickly overwhelmed Black and Future Zamasu in retribution, and, although Black appeared unconscious and defeated afterward, Goku only hesitated for a short while before attempting to attack him again. Also, Goku was very happy to learn he was going to be a grandpa in Battle of Gods, to which he later (in the anime) enjoyed taking care of his baby granddaughter Pan and grew very concerned when she disappeared. Also, while he is rarely seen being romantic or intimate with Chi- Chi and mainly married Chi- Chi because he promised to, he has cited her feistiness and passion as traits he finds especially endearing (as well as her cooking skills). Notably, he mentioned in the . As a result seduction techniques such Amorous Glance and Stripping have no effect on him. However as an adult, Goku is shown to recognize perversion in others as he noted the similarities between Master Roshi and Old Kai who are both lecherous old men. However even as an adult Goku retains his disinterest in women (with the possible exception of his wife) which is shown in the Dragon Ball Super anime when he accidentally sees Bulma naked after teleporting into her room due to his Delayed Onset Ki Disorder.