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Mo' Creatures - v. With Bear mounts!!! Please check it here: http: //mocreatures. Don't forget to check my other mod: Dr.
Zhark's Magic Carpet Mod. The Mo. Creatures official server is back and ready for 1. Requires Mo'Creatures 6.
Minecraft 1. 7. 2) to join. Or try the first original Mo'Creatures server: We don't longer maintain it ourselves. You can check this server's IP address and required mods at: http: //www. Download the Mod: Minecraft version 1. Mo'Creatures 1. 0. Requires: Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 1.
Forge 1. 1. 0. 2- 1. Minecraft version 1. Mo'Creatures 8. 2.
Requires: Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 6. Forge 1. 8. 9 - 1. Minecraft version 1. Mo'Creatures 8. 1. Requires: Custom. Mob. Spawner 3. 5.
Forge 1. 8 - 1. 1. Minecraft version 1.
Mo'Creatures 6. 3. Requires: - Custom.
Mob. Spawner 3. 3. Forge 1. 7. 1. 0- 1. You can support my work via www. Dr. Zharkor donating via paypal.
Known bugs: How to Install Mo'Creatures Mod: Minecraft 1. Install Forge using the installer. Launch the game using the Forge profile. Exit the game. 3. Copy the Mo. Creatures. Custom. Spawner. zip into the . Delete the META- INF folder in the minecraft.
Play. You can watch this video explaining how to install the mod v. Pet manticores can be ridden once they turn into adults- There are ghost versions of the big cats that can be obtained randomly when a tamed big cat dies- winged big cats, ghost big cats, hybrid big cats and manticore pets are sterile (they can't breed). They won't receive extra damage from gold weapons- werewolves won't complain as much when transforming from human to werewolf form- improved werewolves moving speed when hunched- improved dolphin riding code- turtle swimmimg animation improved- piranhas move as a herd and attack differently- deers will jump when fleeing from entities- horses can also get ready to breed by feeding them a golden carrot- turtles / bunnies will not receive damage when riding a player- updated ogre attack animations- improved minigolem / golem throwing stone accuracy- added three more crab textures- foxes now spawn cubs that follow adults and flee from players- improved maggot animation- improved ant food picking behavior- added female turkeys- ents now plant all the flower varieties- added bear attack animation- decreased frequency of goat bleets- wraiths do not collide with entities, added attack animation- skeletons, silver skeletons and zombies can now ride scorpions and wild wolves as well as mob horses- Mo.
Creature inventories can be opened by interacting with the creature while sneaking (right click while pressing shift). The Mo. Creatures 'keys' are no longer obtained by adding a chest to a creature and the crafting recipe was removed.- Improved elephant animations- Synchronized wyvern wing flapping animations / sounds. The wing flap depending on the flight speed when ridden.- Added transform animation to Wyverns- Changed wyvern speed, health, attack damage so the 2nd tier wyverns are significantly better- Sharkteeh can now be converted into bonemeal- fixed weapon damage and enchanteability- added Pet scorpion sitting behavior / animation- added transform animation to scorpions- Pet scorpion health boosted to 4. Horse health, Horse speed- Tamed Zebras shuffle again- The nightmare burning effect last less than before.
Players must now pick up the eggs in order to hatch them.- Bunnies no longer breed in the wild. In order to breed a bunny, players need to feed it a carrot at full health.- Fixed Wyverns not laying eggs- Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with mc. MMO- Fixed Pet Amulet glitch with nametags- Fixed Ray grow glitch- Fixed Big. Golem dupe glitch- Fixed wyverns, small fish, and medium fish not dropping the correct egg type- Fixed possible client crash with Ent's attacking tamed animals- Added new server '/mocspawn' admin command which allows you to spawn any type of horse/wyvern instantly. They attract nearby small creatures and spawn small plants.- Moles. Moles are very shy and hide underground from bigger creatures.- Mini Golems. Mini golems are mobs that spawn at night and throw rocks at the player.- Silver Skeletons.
Silver Skeletons are aggressive mobs that spawn at night and on dark places. They can sprint towards the player and outrun him/her. They drop bones or silver swords. The silver swords are quite effective against Werewolves- Raccoons. Raccoons attack back if provoked. They can be tamed by giving them any edible item.- Small and Medium Fishpictures pending.. A nice variety of small and medium size fish that can be trapped with a fishnet and fished with the fishing pole.
This is how a fishnet is crafted: -Crabs. Spawn on beaches next to water. They can be tamed with fishnets- Wyverns. Wyverns are poisonous drakes, they can be found on the Wyvern.
Lair. Wyvern eggs can be obtained by slaying wyverns (but only on the wyvern lair). A wyvern has a 1. The egg can be hatched in the Overworld by placing it near a torch and once the Wyvern grows, it can be saddled and armored.
The wyvern lair can only be accessed by using a Wyvern Portal Staff. The staff has only four uses before it's destroyed. There is an alternative recipe that replaces the unicorn with a vial of light. The staff can be activated on any dimension, and it will teleport the player to the center of the Wyvern Lair dimension.
To return back, the staff has to be activated on the quartz portal of the Wyvern Lair.- Elephants and Mammoths. Elephants spawn on Deserts, Jungles, Plains and Forests. Mammoths spawn on cold biomes. Elephants drop Hide. A calf elephant can be tamed by giving it 1.
Sugar lumps or 5 cakes. Tamed elephants are healed with baked potatoes, bread or haystacks. A harness can be put on tamed adult elephants to make them rideable and attach extra things: If a player 'sneaks' near their elephant, it will sit for a short time, where it can be mounted. To dismount an elephant, the rider has to make it sit first and then it can be dismounted. Indian Elephants can be given a special luxurious garment: In addition to the garment, a nice throne can then be given to the Elephant.
Two chest sets can be put on each elephant, allowing it to carry inventory. A key is used to open the inventory. Mammoths can also carry two extra regular chests. Three different kinds of tusk reinforcements can be crafted: wood, iron and diamond.
They can be given to tamed adult elephants and mammoths, and taken off with a pickaxe. While wearing them reinforcement and ridden by the player, they will break blocks.(However that feature is disabled by default in multiplayer, to prevent griefing)Mammoths are more effective at breaking blocks than elephants.
Wooden Tusks: Iron Tusks: Diamond Tusks: A platform can be put on the Songhua Mammoth, allowing them to carry a second player. To have a passenger, first the rider makes the mammoth sit, then the second player 'sneaks' while close to the mammoth. The second player can dismount the mammoth by pressing the sneak key.- Komodo Dragons. Komodo dragons spawn on swamps and plains. They attack small animals or players. Komodo dragons poison their prey. They drop reptile hide and the bigger Komodo Dragons have a 2.
An egg can be hatched if placed near a torch and the resulting baby Komodo Dragon will be tamed. Tamed Komodo dragon can be healed by giving it raw rat or raw turkey.
A saddle can be put on a Tamed adult Komodo dragon so it can be ridden.- Golems. Golems spawn at night, and initially consists of only three blocks: the Head, the Core and a valuable ore cube. When the Golem is near a player, it activates and forms its body. Golems have a powerful melee attack, they also have a ranged attack, where the Golem throws one of the blocks of its arms. When a Golem is attacked, there is a chance to destroy one of its blocks. The chance of destroying a block depends on the difficulty level.
If the chest is open and the core of the golem is exposed, it will suffer damage. As the Golem suffers damage, it becomes more dangerous. A hint of the danger level of the golem is the color of its power aura. Blue is seen in a Golem that is not attacking. Yellow on a Golem that has started attack, Orange on the Golem that has suffered considerable damage. Red is seen on a Golem about to explode. The Golem will constantly try to acquire replacement blocks.
Every time a block is acquired, the Golem is healed (the amount of the healing depends also on the difficulty level)It may be wise to look for shelter when the Golem power aura is red, as there is not too much time before the golem explodes. When a Golem dies, it drops all of the blocks that were part of its body (including the valuable ore cube).- Snails. Picture pending..
They're slow and they hide in their shells, except when they don't have a shell. In that case they're just slow. Snails drop slime balls.- Insects.
Just for ambiance's sake- Turkeys. Turkeys.. Pretty straightforward stuff. Block. Daddy. You will need to tame them before you can ride them. Once tamed, they won't despawn. There are 4. 4! You can use either regular or horse saddles on them. Once you mount the horse, you'll need to break it by riding it repeatedly, you can make the process easier by feeding the horse hay, sugar lumps or apples. Tamed horses can be bred with the following combinations: The Gofa made this video explaining the breeding chart.
The Heart of undead is a rare drop of the Undead horse mobs, found at night. The essence of undead is used to obtain undead horses and heal them. When riding and undead horse, mobs will not attack you. To obtain rarer horses, you need a Zebra and the rare essences: Essence of Fire. The heart of fire is found only as a rare drop of Nightmares on the nether. Essence of Darkness. Power Youtube To Mp3 Converter V3 6 1 Serial Setup Rar Free. The heart of darkness is a rare drop of bathorses.
Bathorses are aggressive mob horses found at night, mostly on underground caves. The Essence of Light is made by combining the other three essences. The zebras can be found more frequently on plains biomes. You can increase the frequency of Zebras spawning by changing the 'Zebra Chance' option of the mod.