Match Game '7. 3 - Show News, Reviews, Recaps and Photos. This is the classic edition of the ultimate classic game show that most people came to know and love. Originally intended to be simply an expanded CBS- TV remake of the popular 1. NBC- TV game show called The Star- Studded Big Money MATCH GAME 7. June 2. 5- 2. 9, 1. CBS- TV. Host Gene Rayburn played straight man to the antics of the 6- star panel but frequently aided the fun.
The game itself as straightforward. The challenger chose 1 of the questions (marked .
While the questions were rather pedestrian early in the run (e. Frequently, the questions involved a recurring list of characters such as Dumb Donald, Weird Willie and Old Man Periwinkle (the latter brilliantly portrayed by Rayburn); celebrities, politicians and news events of the time are also the butt of many of the questions. For example: . Give her a $1. Don't tip her and she'll put in a . The Challenger and Later The Champion then asked for his/her answer. One by one, Rayburn – who frequently critiqued the contestant's answer (he or she might say .
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The Challenger and Later The Champion scored 1 Match. Rounds are played with the challenger going 1st in the second round of questions (or the champion if the challenger matched all 6 stars); celebrities who matched a Challenger, The Champion or Both Matched Separately in the 1st round whom don't played for the 2nd & Last Round question for the Challenger and Later The Champion. The Person in the lead (Possible Total of 6 Matches) after 2 Rounds wins the game and collects $1.
Big Money SUPER MATCH. A Tie- Breaker Game is played if necessary (marked . If the tie isn't broken after two(2) Tie- Breaker Games, then a sudden- death fill- in- the- blank tiebreaker is played. A fill- in- the- blank phrase (e.
The 1st Person to match wins the game. In the highly unlikely event that both The Challenger & The Champion are provided to Match nor There's still No Match, then (after a typical Rayburn comment like, . The sudden- death format is used right away for ties in the weekly syndicated MATCH GAME pm (because of time constraints) that started after the 1. Richard Dawson, Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly are played.
The Super Match is played in 2 parts. In the 1st part (dubbed The Audience Match), Rayburn read a fill- in- the- blank phrase question in which had been given to a previous studio audience of 1. Cookie . The contestant asked 3 celebrities 1 At a time for suggested answers after which he or she could choose 1 of 3 Answers made by 3 Different Stars or Come up with 1 of his or her own. The 3 Top answers are all listed with the No. Most popular worth $2. Top choice worth $5. If the champion matched 1 of the top 3 answers, he/she wins the cash award and played The Head- to- Head Match for 1.
The Champion choose 1 celebrity, who's given an fill- in- the- blank phrase question as before. If there's an exact match from the star, the champion wins the Big Money. Even if the champion didn't match with the star, the champion kept his/her Audience Match winnings and faced a new challenger. Players returned until defeated or surpassing CBS- TV's $2.
Richard Dawson is initially the only regular MATCH GAME 7. Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers became regulars in September 1. Dawson is far and away the most popular Head- to- Head Match celebrity partner (one history of the show reported he's responsibile for greater than $1 Million in the champion's winnings).
In 1. 97. 6 as the show then called MATCH GAME 7. Dawson parlayed his success in the highly- successful ABC- TV run of .
If the wheel stopped on certain areas of the wheel called the gold star area (designated . Some fans of the show believe the addition of the Star Wheel that hastened Dawson's departure from the show on August 2.
MATCH GAME 7. 3 as fans came to know, had many classic moments during its 7 Season run on CBS- TV (too many to list here). The show also spawned a successful syndicated entry (the once- a- week MATCH GAME pm, which offered even higher cash prizes). After the CBS- TV show (and then called MATCH GAME 7. April 2. 0, 1. 97. Months later it continued its life as the new 5- day/night- a- week entry as .
A short- lived pairing with The Hollywood Squares in 1. NBC- TV plus 2 self- contained revivals (ABC- TV in 1. Syndicated TV in 1. None managed to recapture the audience (nor particularly in the latter edition, the magic) of the one- of- a- kind original. Reruns of the classic MATCH GAME 7. Game Show Network (now GSN).
THE BROADCAST HISTORY of MATCH GAME 7. June 2. 5- December 3.
CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7. January 2- December 3. How To Install Wine On Fedora 16 Desktop on this page. CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7.
January 2- August 1. CBS- TV August 1. November 2. 8, 1. CBS- TV December 1- 3.
CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7. January 2- December 3. CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7. January 3- November 4, 1.
CBS- TV November 7- December 1. CBS- TV December 1. January 3, 1. 97. CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7. January 4, 1. 97.
January 2, 1. 97. CBS- TV MATCH GAME 7. January 3- April 2. Deaths By Drunk Drivers 2011 Silverado more. CBS- TV. Syndicated on every TV Market from September 1.
September 1. 0, 1. Distributed By JIM VICTORY TELEVISION, INC.
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