Myth. Busters (Series) - TV Tropes. You should never try anything like this unless you have your own television show. The show ran from from 2.
Adam and Jamie originally gained minor celebrity when their robot Blendo was a competitor on Robot Wars then later Battle. Bots (and was so badass that it was forced to withdraw from the Robot Wars competition in exchange for co- championship because it was knocking chunks out of the competitors and sending them over the safety walls protecting the audience), and Grant was also a known competitor with his famed middleweight robot Deadblow. With the help of their crack team of smart- ass builders (artist/sculptor Kari Byron, model builder/carpenter Tory Belleci, robotics engineer Grant Imahara, and formerly welder/metal worker Scottie Chapman and temporary replacement/metal worker Jessi Combs) from Seasons 2- 9, as well as crack crash- test dummy Buster, Adam and Jamie meticulously take apart popular myths ranging from the legend of Archimedes' solar . Jamie owns and continues to run the special effects studio M- 5 Industries, where he has all the equipment you would possibly need to build any sort of contraption they need to. And whenever they come across something that is beyond their expertise, they call in favors from colleges and other specialists. Their reputation has gotten to the point that they can get to just about any place because they provide excellent PR (to the point that sitting US President Barack Obama appeared on a 2.
A description of tropes appearing in MythBusters. Gonzo pop culture meets off-beat science as Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman — two special effects guys. Click here to Play Go to Video. Click here to Start Download Click here to Play Go to Video. Sexy Girls Chat App - Install XxX Porn Videos App - Install Free.
Jamie found trouble trying to obtain a military grade JATO rocket; they ended up commissioning a custom one (or the third episode, where Sears wouldn't let them film in the store when they were trying to track down a specific model of lawn chair). When a legend fails to pan out, as it often does, they usually escalate matters to the point where the legend's expected results do occur. This process is affectionately called .
Usually these escalations involve entertaining explosions (such as a popular one in a March 2. April 2. 00. 9 episode where they annihilated a car with a rocket- sled). Not every myth is busted, though — they are happy (although frequently surprised) when they prove that a story, however wild, is at the very least plausible. Moto X Pictures After Update. And so far, nearly every myth has some kernel of truth, even if that truth doesn't directly relate to whether the myth is plausible. The show has a geek- chic atmosphere that is almost irresistible. Part of the attraction is the Odd Couple pairing of Class Clown Adam and stolid Jamie, with their frequent jibes and competitions, and the kind of .
Also, it's the humor and wacky sense of fun with which they all go about their mission. They once built not one, not two, but three different machines designed to drop buttered toast on the floor.
For Christmas 2. 00. Rube Goldberg Device to celebrate the holiday. The fact that Scottie, Kari and Jessi are three of the most attractive, genuinely intelligent women on TV doesn't hurt with the male (or gay) viewership, either. Grant and Tory also have their fans. Because of that they carry across an image of being One of Us; their reactions are much like regular people.
Here are some examples of the dialogue. The show received seven Emmy nominations (2. Discovery Channel. In 2. 01. 0, the show aired redux versions of certain older episodes as . Cannon Cordon Bleu Classique Cooker Manual.
Additionally, content from older episodes was recut to be used in the more kid- friendly Head Rush aired on Discovery Kids Channel. In 2. 01. 4 Kari, Grant and Tori were released from the show due to growing production costsnote each new contract negotiation tends to raise the salaries for the people involved, not lower them, so even a hugely popular show like Myth. Busters would have gradually diminishing returns, and after another season of hosting the show alone Adam and Jaime announced the end of Myth. Busters, with the series finale airing on March 5, 2. During the course of the show Adam and Jamie went on the road for a series of Behind the Myths tours (a/k/a Myth. Busters Live), but, with the end of the show, they have ended the tours also, with them amicably going their separate ways.
Soon after, sister network Science announced plans to revive the show with a new cast, beginning with Myth. Busters: The Search — a reality competition to determine the new cast, followed by the proper revival series later in the year or in 2. In the meantime, Netflix commissioned Beyond International Group, the company behind Myth. Busters, to rope Kari, Tory and Grant into a Spiritual Successor of the show called White Rabbit Project, which also focuses on legends and theories, but instead of busting them, the show seeks to validate and rank them. White Rabbit Project premiered with 1. December 9th, 2. 01. Netflix. Additionally, Adam, along with several other close friends, started a Web Video and podcast series called Tested, along with working with Michael Stevens of V Sauce on a series called Brain Candy.
Originally they roped in Jamie for the show Tested as well, but he then bowed out as he wished to retire from the public eye and work in privacy. See also Tropes Examined By The Myth Busters. They've even tried cheese, and it actually worked. Adam: Is this awesome or what?
We tripped all three of the Shock. Watch stickers, which tells us something we often learn here at Myth.
Busters: Everyday objects can in fact be lethal if Jamie builds a gun to shoot them. Absentee Actor: Jessi Combs filled in for Kari during her maternity leave. Acceptable Breaks from Reality: There are a few moments where the Myth.
Busters test a myth and admit they are stretching the boundaries of how it could have happened—the reason being that some myths are purely about whether it could be done at all, not whether it could be accomplished in the exact manner claimed in the myth. For example, in trying to build a crossbow out of paper while in prison, they assumed it would be possible for an inmate to shave a plastic spoon by scraping it against the cell wall for use as the tip of the arrow. Therefore, they agreed that they could use a table- mounted sander to do the same thing in the interest of saving time. Acoustic License: In one episode they take on the infamous freefall conversation scene from Point Break (1. Grant a . The joke was completely inaudible, proving the movie played the trope very, very straight.
Action Insurance Gag: They often joke about this right before wrecking/blowing something up. For example: when testing a myth about a woman who left her groceries unbound in the back of her pickup and was then killed when she hit the brakes at highway speed and her groceries flew from the back of her bed and hit her in the back of the head, Adam quips .
During the description of the . Adam lampshades this when they test the .
That never happens! Adam has said in interviews that in the editing room, pretty much anything that makes Jamie laugh is going to be aired. Added Alliterative Appeal: Mr. Savage, the floor is yours.. Adam: So, can you clearly communicate what clever canine conundrum you're currently concocting?
Jamie: What? Adam: *amused with himself* What's the myth? All for Nothing: The attempt to retest the JATO Rocket Car myth ended with the entire car exploding once the rocket engine is activated. The Myth. Busters seemed on the verge of tears during the wrap- up. Jamie even flatly said .
Especially so since they'd already mentioned that they hired a experienced company to build the rocket and that said custom rocket cost the show $1. The test of the gigantic ball of LEGO bricks ended abruptly when the ball shattered about a third of the way down its track; the time it took to put the ball together in the first place made a retest impossible. That said, part of the myth was about how nimble the ball would be and thus the result showed it to be fairly fragile.
Despite promising small- scale builds of Newton's Cradles in increasing sizes of ball bearings, the full sized build with five wrecking balls was spectacularly anticlimactic; it only gave three halfhearted clunks and stopped. Alliterative Name: Barry the Ballistic Bust, used for the lethal lava lamp legend. There's also . Usually, this is a viable option (and the route they actually take), but occasionally he makes the suggestion when it's patently ridiculous. Grant has a trigger swivel rig that he has modified at least five times; he initially built it to swing a sword, going through bang a hammer and even kick a soccer ball. All There in the Manual / Deleted Scene: Some steps in testing a myth may be cut out due to time constraints, but are shown or referred to in the aftershow footage posted on Discovery's website, as well as explanations for some of their decisions. Aluminum Christmas Trees: The myths that get confirmed aren't always those you'd expect. For example, one experience seemed to confirm that elephants are indeed scared of mice (or will at least go out of their way to avoid them).
Adam himself was amazed by this and admitted that he knew this couldn't be possible, and yet, evidence was here. Adam because he tends to express his pain more readily and obviously, and Tory because he usually manages to bounce back relatively easily. What's more, both tend to bring it on themselves. Averted when experimenting on biting into microwaved jawbreakers.
Although they had some blast shields up, Myth. Tern Christine was caught in the . It was treated as a very serious event and a cautionary tale that proved the myth to be true. Really, any serious injury averts this. It wasn't funny when Tory gashed his knee on a fall gone wrong, for example—he needed stitches because of that. Really, the only reason the infamous bike accident falls under this trope is that Tory (amazingly) wasn't seriously hurt.
Adam says it best: Adam: This is the show. It's, like, 4 minutes of science, and then 1. Anachronism Stew: Ancient Grome: When they test the arrow machine gun, which was allegedly invented by Dionysius the Elder, a Greek, Adam wears some very Roman armor.