How to Install Softether VPN server on Centos 7. Setting up your own virtual private network server is a good way to evade blockage and be able to access sites that are blocked in your country. Choice of open source VPN packages is long but today we decided to try Softether coming from University of Tsukuba in Japan. Softether have long been proprietary product under name Packet.
Fedora Core and Red Hat Linux CD Installation, Version Upgrade, Configuration and Basic Administration. This tutorial covers the installation and/or upgrades. We're providing you with a basic understanding of the Chef Implementation on Centos 7. Chef is a configuration management tool for automating and controlling nodes. In this tutorial we are going to show you installation of Fedora 23 Server and how to manage Fedora Server using Cockpit administration tool through a browser.
X and it has been open sourced just several years ago. That may be the reason why it is so Windows oriented, the configuration GUI is windows only and connecting from Linux clients requires extra work. We are going to use only Linux and no GUIs here, so lets start. In the beginning, lets update the system, install dependencies and disable SElinuxyum updateyum - y groupinstall . After the server boots up, disable both firewalls because they can interfere with testing. The firewall rules will be set after all is configuredsystemctl disable firewalldsystemctl stop firewalldsystemctl status firewalldservice iptables saveservice iptables stopchkconfig iptables off.
Of those two batches of commands, one will error because you are not running two firewalls. Next we need to cd to /usr/src, download the Softether, unpack it and compile it. We will use 4. 2. Softether which is in the time of writing newest rtm version.
There is also 4. 2. Linux/Soft. Ether.
So run vi /etc/init. BEGIN INIT INFO# Provides: vpnserver# Required- Start: $remote. We will come to that latter. Softether is installed, now we configure. Moving over to configuration part, we need to start vpncmd utility/usr/local/vpnserver/vpncmd. Press 1 to select . Press Enter one more time to get access to server as Administrator.
Next type. Server. Password. Setto set admin password for the server. In order to use softether, virtual hub needs to be created.
We will create one named MOB with following command. Hub. Create MOBIt will ask you to set password, which you will use to administer a hub, without access to entire VPN server. Now we need to create local bridge. That is more efficient of the ways, there is also Secure. NAT which is easier to setup but it is resource intensive.
We will go with local bridge and tap device, note that with local bridge also DHCP server needs to be configured and installed which will do at the end of tutorial. So local bridge is created with following command: Bridge. Create /DEVICE. Hyper.
V and VMware by default create VMs without promiscuous mode. Set promiscuous mode and then retry creation of the tap device.
Now we need to create user for the MOB virtual hub we created. Users are created with command User. Create and you can view the list of users by command User. List. Users can be added to groups and each group can have different authentication mode, for example Password, Certificate, RADIUS, NTLM and others. Configuring the virtual Hub. Now we switch to hub MOBHub MOBand create user. User. Create test.
We will keep it simple and use password auth, so use the following command. User. Password. Set test. Now we setup L2. TP/IPSec, work the prompt as follows, bold is what you need to type: VPN Server/MOB> IPsec. Enable. IPsec. Enable command - Enable or Disable IPsec VPN Server Function. Enable L2. TP over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): yes.
Enable Raw L2. TP Server Function (yes / no): yes. Enable Ether. IP / L2.
TPv. 3 over IPsec Server Function (yes / no): yes. Pre Shared Key for IPsec (Recommended: 9 letters at maximum): linoxide. Default Virtual HUB in a case of omitting the HUB on the Username: MOBThe command completed successfully. That is it for IPsec, but we also want to have other protocols.
For example Open. VPN and Microsoft protocols. We use Server. Cert. Regenerate command to generate and register a SSL certificate for the server in order to be able to use it for Open. VPN and Microsoft clients. Argument passed to the command must be your server IP adress or FQDIN: Server. Cert. Regenerate < YOUR SERVER IP or FQDN> A new server certificate has been created, we needs to save it to file: Server.
Cert. Get ~/cert. This certificate now can be transfered to your clients. Windows Installer Error Code 1641 Cub. We can now enable SSTP function with this command: Sstp. Enable yes. And to enable Open.
VPN: Open. Vpn. Enable yes /PORTS: 1. Port for Open. VPN can be changed to your liking. Then we need to create config for Open. VPN client like this.
Open. Vpn. Make. Config ~/openvpn. The dnsmasq is already installed in first stage of tutorial when we installed dependancies, so now we need to configure it. We need to edit /etc/dnsmasq.
We will use latter opton and while we are at it, we will also echo the ipv. If it shows 0, do thisecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv. It is configured with Local Bridge for maximum performance, we only now need to connect clients.
The Windows and android ones are easy, for Windows you just head to the Softether site and download GUI client and connect. For android, you dont need even that, you have VPN client built in.
But for Linux, to be able to connect, you need Virtual Layer- 3 switch on Server, and you need to run dhclient on the virtual interface on client GNU/Linux machine. In future article we will concentrate on this Desktop GNU/Linux client which guys from Tsukuba University for some reason don't like and require all this additional steps.
How to Install XAMPP on Linux: 7 Steps (with Pictures)Edit Article. Three Parts: Installing XAMPPConfiguring XAMPPUsing XAMPPCommunity Q& AXAMPP (Cross- platform, Apache, My. SQL, PHP, Perl) is an Apache distribution that you can use to create a local web server for web development and testing. It acts like a live web server, allowing you to test your websites and web applications. XAMPP is very easy to configure, as most of the installation is automated.