Oblivion Nexus - mods and community.
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Blockhead at Oblivion Nexus - mods and community. Description. Blockhead is an OBSE plugin in its late forties that has had enough of the Oblivion engine’s limitations. Born in a robber button and brought up by a Dachshund named Colin, it learnt the harsh facts of reality early. Only to laugh at its face, tweak its nose and drop ice cubes down its vestments. Over the course of its unnecessarily long and insipid life, it has achieved a great many things, such as: The compulsory serving of asparagus at breakfast. Unrestricted camera movement in the race edit menu.
The ability to override the inventory menu’s idle animations. The induction of the word . It can be reset to its original position by clicking on the left mouse button and dragging. Movement and rotation speeds can be configured in the plugin’s INI file. Inventory idle animation overriding allows custom idle animations to be applied on the inventory menu’s 3. D player model without resorting to replacing existing assets. There are 8 available overrides, from which one is automatically selected by the engine depending upon the player character’s equipped weapon.
The override values in the INI file should be set to the filename+extension of a valid KF file placed inside the Meshes. Characters. Since all head part related paths are defined, by default, at the Race level, overrides are only used to support gender variance. The override file paths are automatically derived from the originals defined in the Race record. Asset naming convention: < Original Path. Filename>. Tier 3 overrides for such head parts, however, must be placed in the following directory: < Textures. Meshes> Characters. Head. Asset. Overrides.
Per. Race< MF> (where MF corresponds to the gender of the NPC). File naming convention: 0. XXXXXX. Script overrides supersede the latter, do not persist b’ween game sessions. NPC animations can be overridden on a per- NPC/per- Race basis too. Animation overrides are implemented as special animations internally.
All animation files need to be placed in the following directory: Meshes. Characters. Compatibility This plugin is compatible with every other OBSE plugin there is.
Should you find a discrepancy, please report it through the contact avenues as stated below. Animation overrides will not work on NPCs that use non- standard file paths for their skeletons, i. Meshes. Characters.
Special animations added using OBSE’s Toggle. Special. Anim script command may be superseded by Blockhead’s overrides occasionally. Overrides for some animation groups (such as Cast) may not work consistently. Credits. Special thanks to : Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel and Paul Connelly (The OBSE Team) – For keeping up the Oblivion Modding spirit and providing the modding community with TES4 Oblivion's Elixir of Immortality. LHammonds – For his Readme generatornuska - For keeping me occupied on a Sunday. For the NPC Tex Tweak plugin and his pioneering work in the field of engine extension. The Rest of the Modding Community – For the inspiration I needed to start modding and all the wonderful mods which I use.
Bethesda – For providing a rather malleable game. Change Log. Spoiler. QUOTE1. 0. 3 - Fix body override script commands. Fix hotfix, change override file naming convention for gender variant hair assets.
Hotfix for missing body parts and clothes. Adds support for body EGT overrides, fix CTD on save game load, fix gender varianthair texture overrides, fix Reset. Age. Texture. Override script command. Bug fixes. 9. 1 – Changed anim override file naming convention, added a script command to toggle anim overrides, bug fixes. Allowed overrides for body/head parts without default assets, added age texture and hair overriding, bug fixes.
Fixed various bugs, removed the unused (and buggy). How To Install Wine On Fedora 16 Desktop there.