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Silahkan duduk    c. Angkat tanganmub. Silahkan berdiri    d. Silahkan berputar.

Saat bertemu dengan teman pada malam hari, kita dapat memberi salam kepada mereka dengan mengatakan . Good Morning        c. Good Afternoonb. Good Evening        d. Good Night. 3. Mestra : Hello, Mikael. How are you? Mikael : Hello, Mestra. Good evening        c.

Good morning        d. Darling : Hello, my name is Darling. Nice to meet you. How are you? What’s you name? How do you do? Cindy : Hello, I am Cindy. Septi : How do you spell it?

Cindy : . Pedro : Excuse me, are you Milka? Iren    : . No, I am not         c. No, it is notb. Yes, I am         d. Yes, it is. 7. Yitro  : Excuse me, are you Willy?

Willy : . No, I am Willy    c. No, it is Yitrob. Yes, I am        d. Yes, it is. 8. Sindy : Excuse me, is your name Astri?

Astri : . No, I am Astri    c. No, it is Astrib. Yes, I am        d. Yes, it is. 9. Jufry : Well, class is over. Let’s go home now, students. Students  : Thank you, Mr.

You are welcome    c. I am fine, Thanksb. Bye, see you tomorrow    d. Bye, see you yesterday. Micha : Hi, Jack.

How are you? Jack  : . Thank you very much    c.

You are welcomeb. I am a doctor    d. Febry : Good morning.

How are you? Mika  : I am fine. And you? Febry : . You are welcome    c. I am fine        d. Heru : Hi Mery. Mery : Hi Heru. How are you? Heru : I am fine.

And you? Mery : Not bad. Well, goodbye and see you tomorrow. Linux Serial Console Via Usb Driver. Heru :  . Thanks    c. Goodbye    d. I am fine. Class is over. Where do the students go? Sleeping in the yard    c. Walking to the mallb.

They play around    d. They go home. 14.

Bahasa Inggrisnya adalah . Put your bag on the table    c.

Open your bagb. Put away your bag        d. Close your bag. 15. Riswan : How many erasers are there in your bag? Kris   : There are .

Three erasersc. Five erasersd. Seven erasers. 16. Penulisan “Ada sebuah papan tulis di dalam kelas” dalam bahasa Inggris adalah .

There is a board in the classroom. There are a board in the classroom. There is an board in the classroom. There is a boards in the classroom.

Erick : How many books are there in your bag? Ryan  : There are . Three booksd. Three book. Teacher    : Students, What is “Rautan” in English? Students    : It’s . Pencil sharpener    c. Pencil caseb. Pencil eraser    d.

Pencil box. 19. Dolin : How many rulers do you have, Primus? Primus: Three. Why? Dolin : I don’t bring my ruler. Can you borrow one, please? Can I help you? b. May I borrow one, please? No problem. 20. Riko    : Can you help me, Zheila?

Zheila    : Sure. Riko    : . Can you wash the window, please?

Can you open the window, please? Can you help me? d. May I help you? 2. Ayah dari ibu kita dalam bahasa Inggris disebut . Father    d. Grandfather.

Jeremy is my uncle. Jeremy is my . Grandmother    c. Dika is my mother. Dika is my . Grandpa    d. Manda : Hi, Juan. Happy birthday. You looks handsome today. Juan  : Thanks, Manda.

Manda : . How years old you? How old years you?

How old are you? How you are old? Happy birthday. You look beautiful tonight. Delfi    : Thank you, Otniel. Otniel    : How old are you? Delfi    : I am .

Nine – a bag        c. Ten – a bagb. Nine – a book    d. Ten – a book. Soal Bahasa Inggris + Kunci Jawaban Kelas 4 SD Pilihan Ganda Erlangga.

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